Innisfree 300/400

Thanks to Seamus O’Dowd, the Innisfree 300/400 is now on.

ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECIEVED BY 8 August so I can get Brevet cards ready and send to Seamus who will hand out at start.

Unfortunately there will be no manned control at 360/260 – but its only a short flat stint to the finish then anyway. 

Much gratitude to Seamus for stepping in.  Hopefully full service will be resumed in 2019!


9 thoughts on “Innisfree 300/400”

    1. Pawel,
      Yes it is – but note there will be no manned control at 260/360 as previous years and you must get entries in in plenty of time. Seamus is handing out brevet cards at the start.

      1. Stuart, could you confirm that this event will be adequate towards 4 Provinces title, particular Connacht? Thank you.

    1. Innisfree 300
      August 18, 2018 6:00 am Starts: Sligo

      Innisfree 400
      August 18, 2018 6:00 am Starts: Sligo

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