Thanks to Gary and Ronnie.
Tag Archives: Angel of Mons
Jan RRTY extension for AOM riders.
Due to the (double) postponement of the Angel of Mons for bad weather, an extension has been granted for RRTY only for those riders who had registered for the original event.
If you are on Ronnie’s original list of entrants for the Angel of Mons, and do two qualifying events in Feb you can use one of them as your Jan RRTY.
Angel of Mons Postponed–Kings Mountain Perm on Sunday
The weather forecast is for a severe ground frost tonight right over the east coast. So, with great regret, the AOM is postpone until next weekend.The roads here are still wet so the roads will ice up.
Anyone wanting to do the Kings Mountain as a Permanent on Sunday 25th, can meet at 7.45 in Whitehall car park, If you contact
Paul Newman/Aidan Caulfield
in the meantime, we will organise brevet cards. Download those entry forms and bring them on Sunday! Please be early, we want to leave as a group at 8am, C.I. members only (as per rules).
Remember – permanents can be used for Audax Ireland awards, including RRTY, but not for ACP awards/medals (Super Randoneur etc.)