1. PURPOSES: Audax Ireland is an association for the purposes of organising and promoting long distance cycling in Ireland, in accordance with the principles laid down by Audax Club Parisien.
2. AFFILIATION: Audax Ireland shall affiliate with Les Randonneurs Mondiaux and with Cycling Ireland.
3. NON-PROFIT: Audax Ireland shall operate on a not-for-profit basis.
4. MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to any cyclist regardless of club or other affiliation on payment of the annual subscription. Membership will not be accepted from any applicant who owes outstanding payments to the Club, until such payment has been received.
5. COMMITTEE: The Committee of Audax Ireland shall comprise four officers (President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) and at least three general members. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for a term of one year. Vacancies arising between AGMs may be filled by decision of the committee.
President: The President shall represent the interests of Audax Ireland at official functions and public meetings.
Secretary: The Secretary shall handle all official correspondence of Audax Ireland. The Secretary shall maintain the calendar of events. The Secretary shall notify the membership of meetings and keep the minutes of those meetings.
Treasurer: The treasurer shall handle all financial transactions of the association, and maintain the list of members. The Treasurer shall prepare detailed accounts for presentation at the AGM.
7. GENERAL MEETINGS: General Meetings are open to all members of the Club. The Annual General Meeting shall take place in November of each year. Extraordinary General Meetings shall be called on written petition of 10% of the membership or by decision of the Committee. The Secretary shall provide fourteen days notice of General Meetings to all members. The Chairman shall take the chair at General Meetings. In the absence of the Chairman, the chair shall be taken by the President, Secretary, Treasurer or another member of the Committee. Quorum for General Meetings shall be 10% of the membership of the club with not less than two Officers present. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
8. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows.
i. Reading of the minutes of the previous AGM.
ii. Presentation of the reports of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
iii. Motions for discussion.
iv. Election of the incoming Committee.
v. Any other business.
Motions for discussion shall be received by the Secretary no less than three days in advance of the Meeting for inclusion in the Agenda, including the names of the members presenting and seconding the motion. Motions shall be carried by simple majority of the vote. Election of the committee shall be by written ballot with a plurality of the vote determining election. Nominations shall be made from the floor during the AGM and must be seconded. The incoming committee shall take office at close of business of the AGM.
9. COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Committee Meetings may be called by the Secretary or at the petition of any three members of the Committee. The Secretary shall provide seven days notice of Meetings to all members of the Committee. Minutes of Committee meetings shall be made available on request to any member of the association.
10. EVENTS: Events shall be run in accordance with the Rules of Brevets Randonneurs Mondiaux of Audax Club Parisien, presented in Appendix A to this Constitution.
11: CONSTITUTION: The Articles of this Constitution may only be modified by a two-thirds majority vote at a General Meeting.