Qualification for PBP is easy, to understand anyway. Ride a 200km, 300km, 400km and 600km BRM event (Brevets des Randonneurs Mondiaux) any time before July 14th 2015. This is basically any Audax Ireland Calendar event except the Fleche. If riding events elsewhere, ensure they are BRM. (Audax UK also run events under their own rules which they mark BR/BP – qualification rides are marked BRM (PBP) in the AUK Calendar).
Unlike for Super Randonneur, longer rides may be substituted for shorter.
You can register as soon as you have completed at least three of the four qualifying brevets between October 31, 2014 and July 07, 2015.
Useful links:
PBP rules –
International schedule of BRM events –
French BRM events –
Audax Ireland calendar – http://www.audaxireland.org/calendar/
Bon courage.