Date: 6th April 2024
Start: Community Centre, Flagmount, Co. Clare
Organiser: Hendrik Ketelaar
Mobile: +353 (0)89 9408210
Distance: 303km
Difficulty/Climbing (from * to *****): **
The Joe Dolan 300 will run from the Flagmount Community Centre, Co. Clare. It is an Audax/ Randonneuring event governed and validated by the rules of Audax Club Parisien and Les Randonneurs Mondiaux.
Optional Sleep Facilities
There is an option available to sleep at the Community Centre for the Friday and Saturday nights. The cost of this is €20, which includes provision of an Air Mattress and Sleeping Bag for the 2 nights. This is available for selection on Eventmaster as an “Additional Purchase” in the same section as the Medals.
All entries must be made on Eventmaster only. Cycling Ireland Licence is required. One-day Licence is available for €20 if required, this will be charged automatically on Eventmaster if you do not provide a valid current Cycling Ireland Licence Number.
Eventmaster Link:
Entry Fee: €5
Ride with GPS Map:
Route Description: The route starting at the Flagmount Community Centre will take you North East to Joe Dolans statue in his native Mullingar, and back to Flagmount through a wide variety of landscapes in East Clare, Tipperary, Offaly, Westmeath and Galway. Even though the total amount of climbing is low, note that the start and finish are in East Clare!!

See also
- Antrim 300
- Banner 5-County 300
- Carlingford 300
- Criu a Chairde 300
- Dying Sow (permanent)
- Innisfree 300
- Joe Dolan 300
- Killeshin 300
- Midlands 300
- Monaghan Presbytery 300
- Pale Rider 300
- Priests Leap & Devils Elbow 300
- Surf & Turf 300
- The Quiet Man 300
- Three Provinces 300
- Three Rivers 300
- Tyrone Ranger 300
- Western MTB 312